Friday, March 10, 2006


Elements of a New Social Order
Social Justice
National Advancement

Who we are, and where we stand
Nordwave is an organization engaged in sociopolitical questions of our society today. We perceive the need for rebuilding the mentality of our people, which is infected with consumerism and liberalism. We are aware that such a revolution in thought is not an easy one, but necessary for future generations. Nordwave stands out in sharp contrast to the globalist world view of a free market economy spreading capitalism and poverty. We stand against the politics of greed, exploitation and multiculturalism. Instead we believe in a homogeneous society, supported by a sound socialist-run national economy. Oscar Wilde once said: "The market economy is one which knows the price of everything and the value of nothing." We agree; this is why we are outraged at corporations running the country with the plutocratic elite dictating national policies. The passive politics of the present government reflect -- especially painfully in an area which is fundamental to the prosperity of our people. Therefore, we accuse decadent politicians, liberal and conservative, of causing deliberate and permanent damage not only to us but to every ethnic group -- calling for cultural diversity and at the same time wrecking our heritage and racial integrity (by promoting miscegenation) a criminal act, a crime against humanity! And with that, there is no compromise!

New Social Order
We believe in a form of nationalism which is free from all capitalist manipulations. An idea that exclusively serves the state and its people instead of serving private enterprise. We want a country that provides a life of quality and dignity, not just grim existence and uncertainty for tomorrow; a social structure in which employment and medical care are guaranteed for all citizens, all the time. We demand a political idea that provides the working people with the same benefits and privileges that only the rich and famous can afford today. We are fighting for our civil rights such as; the freedom of self-determination, living space and racial separation. Yes, we struggle for these freedoms because we know well that nobody will give us anything according to "free will." We fight for a nation in which every white man and woman will receive a quality education and will live a productive, secure life. We seek national advancement in every sphere of our personal and public lives. Starting with monetary policy and ending with science today bounded by political and sometimes religious correctness (bordering on insanity,) a healthy people with common sense, we not only know that we deserve better -- we demand better!

Our European culture is treated as nothing more than another money-making opportunity. The world of art doesn't accept anything of value unless the value is placed high on a scale of degeneracy. World famous Hollywood is "manufacturing" pop art for mass consumption and a quick return on the dollar. An "art" which no longer expresses, represents or captures our hearts and souls... instead it plays on the vulnerability of the consumer. It is also used as a weapon in the vast arsenal of the propaganda apparatus which, by the way, declared cultural warfare on our people. This is a liberal version of the Kulturkampf. As modern national-socialists we won't stay silent any longer permitting the further degradation and degeneracy of our people. To us, a world without higher culture is a world of chaos and ugliness.

Total Independence
We want a country in which our national borders and living space will be respected by others. No invasion of any kind will be tolerated, as it is today. Our National Army and Police Force will guarantee peace and security for all citizens.
We resent any ethnic (tribal, racial) or economic group that interferes in the internal affairs of the State. All lobbyist organizations from tobacco to the Israeli fifth column will cease to operate immediately: this means a declaration of total independence! Do you think countries like India, which is the world's largest democracy, or China, would allow minorities to control their governments and promote their interests? Would Israeli citizens accept Palestinian (Islamic) rule? We think not! Why, then, do Americans and Europeans permit such a state of affairs? Why is it important for the Hindus, Chinese and Israeli Jews to preserve their distinctive religions, heritage, races and ways of life? Why is it forbidden and politically incorrect for whites to do the same? As you can see, these are all valid questions -- these are not questions of misdirected hate, but rather of logic and common sense, which one day will have to be answered and dealt with.

The free market economy combined with liberalism, doesn't fit our modern nationalist world-view. We disagree with its profiteering based upon class division as well as its false promise of equality. We reject the Marxist system which does not recognize the right of private ownership and also the capitalist system with its social injustice. Both prove harmful to our social and national progress. We demand nationalization of large businesses, banks and industries. The general welfare should be the highest law. The means of production and distribution will no longer be in the control of a "chosen" few. Monetary policy must serve the national interest -- with full employment provided for all citizens, stronger laws regulating the workplace -- and a socialized health care system mandated for the benefit of the entire nation. The problem of low wages (cheap labor) fueled by illegal immigration will be solved by the introduction of a one-year mandatory service in the labor front for all the youth of our people. "Common interest over self interest" will become a fundamental principle of our national economy.

Blood and Soil
Our loyalty lies in the idea of "Blood and Soil." It evolves from our concept of race, geopolitical influence and our living space in the world. To us, historical tradition and the continuance of our blood are crucial for the existence and advancement of national-socialist higher culture. Indo-European heritage is the product of white creativity and intellect -- we'll be damned if we give it all away!!! Our intuition and sense of self-preservation tell us that racial separation is an important and necessary step toward further development of any successful society. Let each group work in peace according to its own ability and march towards its own vision of prosperity. Subjugation of others is neither wanted nor desired. Strength of our blood and our territorial sovereignty... is!

Overpopulation and Environment
Overpopulation of our biosphere causes unnecessary starvation and suffering among many of its inhabitants. The Third World is unable to cope with or improve these existing conditions; its only answer is to wage war with itself. Constant conflict is therefore a way of life, a bloody competition for basic needs. Ethnic hatred causes environmental devastation, and in the case of Haiti -- ecological catastrophe.
Assistance given to African nations only encourages them to breed and repeat a savage cycle. Backwardness of blacks caused by low IQ level * poses a dangerous threat to developed white nations. Therefore, it is our duty to protect our people and our environment from destruction by imposing strict immigration policies. The only help we should provide, would be in the civilized way of free advice. Strict enforcement of birth control, preferably using programs similar to those provided us by the liberal establishment might be appropriate.

New Technologies
The new, growing state would require better more reliable technologies. The genius of our scientists, inventors and innovators would be put to good use. The modern world requires and expects modern approaches to old problems. Therefore, the prosperity and progress of a new nation would largely depend on our proficiency in those areas. We understand the importance of science. For instance, in the field of genetic engineering a science without the use of stem cell research would be foolish. Another field of science should be studied searching for alternative sources of energy. Since our natural resources, such as fossil fuel questionably are running out, other technologies, wind, solar, geothermal and hydropower must be advanced and utilized. Our future however, lies in more efficient technologies, including development of nuclear fusion, fission and hydrogen as sources of energy.

Use of Eugenics
We believe the further development and coordination of our racial policy and the uses of eugenics, will be greatly beneficial to our State and its people. Prevention and elimination of hereditary diseases through positive eugenics and genetic research will improve our gene pool (our new society in general.)
This outline presents essentials in understanding modern national-socialist viewpoints. Our program will be expanded and updated accordingly. Topics such as citizenship, education, judicial system and a national army will be addressed in the near future.
*J. Philippe Rushton, Race, Evolution and Behavior: A Life History Perspective (p.19, 33, 48)
"Those who remain silent about capitalism should not complain about immigration." -- Alain de Benoist
"Every people should pursue happiness in their own way." -- Otto Strasser
"Evolution shows that in the long run, if the superior mixes with the inferior, the product is halfway between, and inferior to what you started with in the original superior group -- in other words, mongrelized."-- George Lincoln Rockwell

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